Friday, September 5, 2014


If you ask me what was the TV show that I enjoyed the most when I was a child, without a doubt I would have to say (and I think a lot of people would agree with me)  Dragon Ball Z. I remember to be like 5 years old or less and sit there watching the channel 9 and waiting for it to start.
The plot of the show is known by all of us I think, but it’s about the adventures of Goku, an earth‘s defender who learns he’s from another planet, and has to defend the Earth from an onslaught of new extraterrestrial and powerful enemies.

I think it’s a show that marked an entire generation of people, like, a few time ago a new movie of Dragon Ball Z came out (after a loooooooong time since the end of the show) and the people that were excited the most were actually people around 18 years old or so, ‘cause they were the ones that watched the show when they were young and got more influenced by it. I believe that for the people of my age, the dubbed latin voice of Goku is one of the most characteristics sounds ever… It’s one of those things that are unmistakable. Also, I think the scene when Goku’s battling Freezer and turns into super saiyan for the first time is such a memorable scene that it got seared in the minds of an entire generation.